Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 7000

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 68

Theatrical Release Date: 11/13/2009

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 03/09/2010

Language: English

Genre: Crime, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Troy Duffy

Actors: Julie Benz, Clifton Collins Jr., Sean Patrick Flanery, Judd Nelson, Peter Fonda, Billy Connolly

Plot: The MacManus brothers are living a quiet life in Ireland with their father, but when they learn their beloved priest has been killed by mob forces, the duo return to Boston to bring justice to those responsible.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

sapien - wrote on 01/10/2011

I thought this movie was just as good (or, only slightly worse than) the first Boondock Saints. The scene with Peter Fonda really brings down the movie, in my opinion. But all in all, it was highly enjoyable.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 01/04/2010

Sequel that just delivers more of the same. Though, in this case that is a very good thing. If you were a fan of the first, then you'll have fun with this one.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie Star

Rating of

Saints 2

DJColts18 - wrote on 04/11/2010

Ugh, where to start.... I am one of the biggest fans of the original. On a trip, I watch the original 3 times in a row on my i-pod. I was so excited the day I rented the second one and that was my problem. Right from the start I was uninterested. The story idea was actually ok and Collins and Flanery were not bad. Smecker's replacement was probably the most annoying character I have ever seen in a movie. I absolutely could not stand listening to her talk. What also put me off was the other three detectives behavior. From what I saw (I say that because I stopped the movie halfway through and returned it), the whole crime thing was a big joke. It was like they were messing around the whole movie and didn't care about anything. I also did not like the saints mexican partner …

Rating of

Sequel Rule of Thumb

Matthew Sanchelli - wrote on 12/17/2009

After waiting for seemed like an eternity, the long awaited sequel to the sleep classic 'The Boondock Saints' was finally released....only be on a limited release.

By mistake, I happened to see it was finally playing at a local AMC, so I e-mailed a friend and we got our tickets to see it the other night.

Though I gave this movie a 3 star rating (good); if it wasn't for some occasional uber-redeaming qualities I probably would have gone with this movie being just Okay (a 2.5 star rating).

This movie seriously lacked the fun quality that was so addicting about the first movie. I felt Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus were not in the roles as much as they were in the first. Plus, they looked incredibly tired during the 'entire' movie; which I don't think was a planned look. …

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