Cleopatra Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6190

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 55

Theatrical Release Date: 06/12/1963

Language: English

Genre: Biography, Drama

MPAA Rating: G

Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Actors: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Rex Harrison, Hume Cronyn, Martin Landau, Roddy McDowall

Plot: The epic costumed drama follows the lives of Caesar, Cleopatra, Ptolemy and Mark Anthony - and all the passion, triumph and intrigue that follows their lives. -- Chris Kavan

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

When Hollywood actually BUILT stuff before CGI!

Indyfreak - wrote on 09/14/2016

CLEOPATRA features both the best and worst elements of the classical Hollywood costume epic. The exquisite set design, the costumes, and musical score are all uniformly excellent. This was and remains by some measures the most expensive movie ever and it shows in every frame. Now on the other hand, the acting and the plot is often over the top and ponderous. Some actors fare better like Rex Harrison and Richard Burton while a very young Roddy McDowall is embarassingly cartoony and foppish. The star attraction Elizabeth Taylor is fine as the historical beauty and power player Cleopatra. Sometimes she is shrill though her overwhelming beauty and presence make up for it. It is a pitch perfect example of a Hollywood spectacle that will satisfy those interested for the most part.

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Cleopatra review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 07/11/2013

The epic picture revolves around Cleopatra (Elizabeth Taylor), Mark Antony (Richard Burton), Julius Caesar (Rex Harrison) and Octavian (Roddy McDowall). The 243 minute movie was lengthy, extravagant and at times a chore to watch. For history buffs this would be a treat despite of some exaggerations with the facts. On the positive side, as one of the most expensive productions ever ($44 million that time) it boasts of gorgeous sets, massive set pieces and thousands of extras. One of the best lines: "Rape, murder, pillage thousands, even millions of human beings! But neither you nor any other barbarian has the right to destroy one human thought!" This could have been at par with Ben-Hur if given the right direction and screenwriter. Cleopatra maybe massive and multi-awarded, its …

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