The Dead Pool Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 8636

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 68

Theatrical Release Date: 07/13/1988

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 06/03/2008

Language: English

Genre: Action, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Buddy Van Horn

Actors: Clint Eastwood, Patricia Clarkson, Liam Neeson, Evan C. Kim, David Hunt, Michael Currie

Plot: Unwanted fame brings Harry Callahan not only the attention of various criminal affiliations, but also a deadly new game called the Dead Pool, which bets are made on local celebrity deaths. One list in particular had a high body count, and Dirty Harry is on that list. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/22/2021

Harry Callahan's final bow is more mild than those that came before, but isn't without the grit and grim a "Dirty Harry" finale needs.

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 09/24/2012

Ridiculous final chapter of the Dirty Harry franchise, oozing 80s excess and cheese. Irrelevant and daft.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 12/21/2011

Considered by many to be the worst of the series. I'd have to agree with that, but I don't think it's a bad movie at all. It just doesn't match up to the previous films.

Full Movie Reviews

Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane
Movie God

Rating of

Laughingly bad.

Ichabod Crane - wrote on 09/19/2008

After watching the original I watched this, and I got to see how low the series had gotten. I thought the first one was great and the other sequels to be under whelming but this one is just terrible. The only good thing about this is you will probably get some unintentional laughs especially from Jim Carrey's short appearance. The story is lame with a Villain that is neither scary or well played, and switching the villain almost at the end never works. The music is bizarre and the dialogue is ridden with unnatural swearing. The plot lacks interest, and Dirty Harry now seems like a joke character. First of all he is played in such a tired way this time around by Clint Eastwood, plus he does not even look like Dirty Harry anymore. Finally the character itself has become a complete ruthless …

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