Movie Information
Overall Rank: 3987
Average Rating: 2.7/4
# of Ratings: 137
Theatrical Release Date: 05/16/2014
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 09/16/2014
Language: English
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Gareth Edwards
Actors: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Bryan Cranston, Elizabeth Olsen, Sally Hawkins, David Strathairn, Ken Watanabe
Plot: Atomic bomb testing has brought about the creation of Godzilla - a gigantic beast looking to wreak havoc on mankind - and he may not be alone... -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 09/02/2019
Godzilla, the emperor of Japanese monster films and icon of the atomic age, is a cinematic figurehead from an era that has came and went. Luckily, this 21st century revival does the best it can to give new life to an old franchise.
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Rod - wrote on 07/30/2015
I like Aaron Johnson but I don't think this "Godzilla" kicked some ass, just a simple action-scifi film.
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Daniel Corleone - wrote on 07/12/2015
The film has the capacity to create tension. Human characters were uneventful and action sequences felt muffled. Past Godzilla movies, even with bad special effects and all, we're worth watching than this since ot highlighted the bog fella, not the humans or even its competitors. It felt like watching a Jurassic Park 3 flick. Nothing memorable but not bad either.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Don't blink with your eyes ... You might miss it
ikkegoemikke - wrote on 10/31/2017
"Nature has an order. A power to restore balance. I believe he is that power."
Now this was a movie I was looking forward for so long already.This should have been a mega-movie that would beat the 1998 version in every way with one's hand tied behind one's back.The 1998 "Godzilla" was for me a bit of a setback with a cardboard monster, terrible humorless acting and a "Jurassic Park" type of ending.With current technology,it should be possible to create a grandiose visual spectacle.But what a terrible disappointment it was eventually.
The first thing that flashed through my mind was that they could just as well have used the title. "A tiny bit of Godzilla".You'll see the monster of monsters approximately 15 minutes.I have read here and there some arguments from Godzilla-hardcore …
Rating of
not impressed
smeagol - wrote on 08/26/2014
I wasn't very impressed by this movie. iit started of well enough but then i got bored. Bryan cranston was good but i was very disappointed he wasn't in the whole movie. from then on it went downhill for me.
the guy who played his son was wooden as they come. his story was pretty poor to be honest predictable and been done before and you could of wrote it on a matchbox.
The monsters so to speak were more like tripods than actual creatures i wasn't impressed at all with them. also
no one seemed to be scared at all there was just no realisim. it was more of a visual movie of creatures stomping on buidings and fighing eachother more like transformers than godzilla.
The king kong remake was good and done well this one wasn't. it just lacked the actors the story and the realism. the …
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March of the King of Monsters
Indyfreak - wrote on 07/23/2014
Gareth Edwards does a good job reinterpreting the quintessential movie monster that is Godzilla. What I most appreciated about the movie was not the effects or the action or the spectacle but instead how Edwards directed it. There are several examples of solid visual storytelling that a lot directors do not have the patience for these days when it comes to blockbusters. The pacing and the editing is also commendable though I believe a lot of people are going to be disappointed by the slow build-up to Godzilla's first appearance. It is worth it though, trust me.
Once onscreen, he is a sight to behold. His design is cool and his special abilities are all available. Whenever Godzilla appears are easily the best parts of the movie. This makes sense considering the fact that it's a bloody …
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Recent Movie Talk Posts
Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 2014-06-04 16:14
I had no Idea that Trank was rumored for the other SW spin-off.  People can be as skeptical as they want about remakes or reboots, but in the case of the upcoming Star Wars movies they've got some great promise behind the camera.  Godzilla showed that Edwards could do more then small budget thrillers, and I expect that Trank has potential in that same area.
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2014-06-04 12:58
Edwards has talent - I saw that Josh Trank (Chronicle) was given the other Star Wars spin-off film. I'm hoping Edwards gets the rumored Boba Fett story - and who knows, he could do as well or better than the main film. Godzilla was pretty good - good enough that I would sit down for a couple more if they come along.
Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 2014-06-04 09:48
Godzilla director Gareth Edwards is doing pretty well for himself.  He is all set to direct two more Godzilla movies as well as the Star Wars spinoff that will come out the year after episode VII.  I'm a little apprehensive about Godzilla sequels because I didn't love the recent one, but I'll betcha anything Edwards will make a better Star Wars movie then Abrams.
it is a fabulous movie. this movie has got positive reviews from critics. those who has not watched this movie yet they should surely watch this movie.