FilmCrave Points
Activity | Points |
Total Ratings | 686 |
Total Reviews | 125 |
Total Lists | 29 |
Total Plots | 3 |
Total Points | 1,780 |
Looneymanthegreat's Information
Ranking Status: Producer
Gender: Male
Movie Profile
Film I Love: There Will Be Blood
Film I Hate: Transformers Trilogy
Guilty Pleasure: Bloodsport
Favorite Genre: Thriller
Movie Quotes: "We'd Better R-U-N-N-O-F-T" - O Brother Were Art Thou?
Latest Movie Review
Rating of
A Surprisingly Clever Flick
Have you seen the trailers for that Paddington movie? Doesn’t it look crummy? IT looks like the Disney’s Country Bears movie if George Lucas vomited CGI all over it. The movie is kind of financially flailing domestically, and that seems at least partially due to the marketing massacre that was induced upon it. People have been avoiding it to some extent, and I can’t really blame them. Paddington is not at all the movie that I though it was when I saw the trailers; it’s actually a legitimately funny and charming family film that is, in many ways, far superior to Disney’s latest super-popular animated efforts. If you have kids, this is almost a must-see; it’s the rare kids’ film that parents will laugh at just as much …
Recent Rating History
Movie Title | Rating | Overall | Add |
Paddington | 3.0/4 | 2.9/4 | |
Inherent Vice | 2.5/4 | 2.7/4 | |
Top Five | 3.0/4 | 2.7/4 | |
The Theory of Everything | 3.5/4 | 3.1/4 | |
The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies | 2.0/4 | 2.8/4 |
Top Movie List
# | Movie Title | Rating | Overall | Add |
1. | There Will Be Blood | 4.0/4 | 3.1/4 | |
2. | The Manchurian Candidate | 4.0/4 | 3.1/4 | |
3. | A Clockwork Orange | 4.0/4 | 3.1/4 | |
4. | Touch of Evil | 4.0/4 | 3.1/4 | |
5. | No Country for Old Men | 4.0/4 | 3.2/4 |
Recent Comments
Unknown - wrote on 10/09/14 at 11:45 AM CT
Thanks for the comment! I have seen 'Side Effects', and I did enjoy it in similar ways to 'Gone Girl'.
Indyfreak - wrote on 08/25/14 at 10:35 AM CT
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Review comment
Thank you! I kept hearing how good this one was and for God's sake, look at it! This movie is worse than Spider-Man 3 because it had the advantage of a precedent being set thanks to the latter's narrative flaws but it repeats the same mistakes as Spider-Man 3 did! So it's not an accident but pure laziness and this annoyed the hell out of me while watching it! I agree with most of what you say btw.
Chris Kavan - wrote on 08/12/14 at 04:43 PM CT
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Review comment
Even though I haven't seen this yet, I have a feeling my reaction would be pretty much exactly the same. Wasting Will Arnett alone is worth at least a half-star deduction.... COME ON! (still waiting on my Arrested Development movie...
Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/05/14 at 12:24 PM CT
Snowpiercer Review comment
Oh man - now I'm even more excited to see this one. I just have to hope it actually shows up in a theater around here.
Chris Kavan - wrote on 06/30/14 at 06:37 AM CT
I live for writing full reviews - I don't even consider it part of my job anymore, it just comes naturally. My only fear is that I get too descriptive and give away too many spoilers, though I have been trying to keep myself in check. Now I need to see the new Transformers to see if it's worth the $100 million it made over the weekend.
Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 06/29/14 at 11:36 AM CT
Transformers: Age of Extinction Review comment
I agree it's difficult to shun preconceptions when you go see a movie, but I always try. If I hadn't at least tried I probably wouldn't have bothered seeing any of the Transformers movies; But you never know, a sequel to horrible movie can surpass the original. For example: I thought the original How to Train Your Dragon was kind of overrated, but I adored How to Train Your Dragon 2. You never know until you see it.
Yojimbo - wrote on 06/29/14 at 08:27 AM CT
Transformers: Age of Extinction Review comment
I try to keep an open mind when I go to the cinema, but Michael Bay does do his utmost to make it very difficult for me...!
Yojimbo - wrote on 06/29/14 at 08:25 AM CT
Too true. The sequels were even worse...I'm not a fan of Craven's at the best of times!
Unknown - wrote on 06/29/14 at 01:51 AM CT
'Enemy' needs a second look. When I saw the ending, I immediately thought I had missed something. Watched it two times in a row, basically. My thoughts on it's true intent became much clearer the second time. It was quite fun to piece it together. The realization was rewarding.
Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 06/12/14 at 10:23 AM CT
Maleficent Review comment
You'r right Christopher, those were all factors, But they are all made moot when you realize that she could have gotten her wings back at any time. In the end they just snap right back on like she was made of lego bricks or something. If it was that easy why didn't she just get her wings back from the castle while she was there the first time? She has incredible power and can pretty much do whatever she wants, so why all the fuss?
I agree that the filmmakers were trying to make her more …