Movie Information
Overall Rank: 242
Average Rating: 3.2/4
# of Ratings: 275
Theatrical Release Date: 08/01/2014
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 12/09/2014
Language: English
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: James Gunn
Actors: Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Zoe Saldana, Lee Pace, Karen Gillan
Plot: In the far reaches of space American pilot, Peter Quill, must team up with a ragtag group of misfits after he incurs the wrath of the dreaded Ronan after stealing an orb. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 08/04/2019
With more pop culture references and a better soundtrack than any movie Marvel has ever made, "Guardians of the Galaxy" is fast-paced and funny, and remains one of the most rewatchable films in the Marvel Universe.
Rating of
Mahee Ferlini - wrote on 11/30/2014
I probably went into this movie with my expectations set too high. It does a lot of great things but doesn't totally excel in a single one. It's funny, but not hilarious. It's action-packed, but not show-stopping. There is still plenty to enjoy and I would consider watching it again.
Rating of
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 10/29/2014
Chris Pratt plays his role well with professionalism. Lines were humorous so props to the screenwriters. Could have been more effective if the character development for Drax, Groot and Rocket were emphasized instead of just on Gamora and Peter. Special effects mixed with action and comedy reminded this reviewer of a poormans Serenity. A great start to a possible franchise.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
2014 Guardians of the Galaxy by QR Reviews
QR Reviews - wrote on 09/10/2018
2014's Marvel guardians of the galaxy are a space adventure films with a unique spin as it has 70s-80s. All the favorite famous music back then. The story is about a band of misfits who meet each other in prison where they have this orb that can destroy the whole galaxy as we know it. One person wants the orb name Ronan the destroyer to be a god and destroy the galaxy. The band of misfits is an earthling named peter quill aka star lord (although no one knows he star lord) that got kidnapped by a group of people called ravenger's who steal for greed and pleasure. Gamora is not an earthling but from another world where another person named Thanos who is what called a Titan takes her and makes her a weapon as results. Drax is a fun goofball who is great for strength but not for brains as he …
Rating of
"Guardians Of The Galaxy" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 08/13/2018
A small boy abducted from Earth by alien raiders grows up to become a galactic freebooter of dubious morals and falls in with a motley collection of bounty hunters and outlaws out to stop the subjugation of the galaxy by a powerful religious zealot.
Guardians Of The Galaxy is a tongue-in-cheek space opera featuring a group of morally flexible characters in a desperate attempt to ape the charm of Indiana Jones and Captain Jack Sparrow. Unfortunately these kinds of lovable rogues have to be, well, lovable for the story to work but thanks to the hackneyed and episodic plotting, juvenile attempts at humour and unlikeable characters it's very hard to care about any of it. The resulting film is all flash and no substance and resembles little more than a rather adolescent cartoon that's just …
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Space Western
cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/21/2016
Guardians Of The Galaxy ist ein Space Western, ein Marvel Epos (womöglich das erste, das tatsächlich in epischer Breite erzählt werden wird) und eine Verbeugung vor einer gewissen Weltraum Oper... Guardians Of The Galaxy bietet aber auch sehr witzige und respektlose Dialoge im trashigen Ambiente. All das mag verquer wirken, aber passt wunderbar zusammen! - Der zwölfjährige Peter verabschiedet sich am Sterbebett von seiner Mutter. Eine emotionale Szene, aber kurz darauf wird Peter von einem Staubsauger ins Weltall gesaugt. Zwanzig Jahre später durchstreift Peter (Chris Pratt als eine Art Starlord), die Ruinen einer untergegangenen Zivilisation. Er trägt einen Raumhelm, der jede beliebige Fom annehmen kann, ausserdem schwingt er ein elektrisches Lasso. Auf einem Walkman hört er die …
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Recent Movie Talk Posts
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2014-08-04 17:03
Was pleasantly surprised at how good this turned out - maybe not the best movie of the year, but I would say it's the most fun I've had at the movies all year.
Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 2014-07-25 23:43
Early reviews for this movie are overwhelmingly positive.  One reviewer referred to it as " part George Lucas and part Chuck Jones" (I assume in reference to rocket raccoon, who shares some physical traits with a certain coyote.)  After reading reviews I'm even more excited then before.  I'm probably going to go check it out at midnight next weekend.
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2014-06-09 10:20
I'm on the fence on this one. Why I certainly think it looks entertaining - I hope it doesn't stray too far into "too weird for its own good" territory. But you're right - it doesn't look like any other superhero movie out there, so if nothing else, it could acheive a cult-like status if it doesn't catch on with casual moviegoers. I still want to see it!
Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 2014-06-07 21:57
I kind of hate the “Marvel cinematic universe,” not because
the movies are bad, but because they’re so homogenous.  None of them feel unique, they all are just too
visually and tonally similar, and while the first Iron Man was a lot of fun, I’m
just getting tired of watching the same movie over and over again.  I’m sick of these movies, and whenever I buy
a ticket to go see another Avengers spin-off I hate myself a little bit.
Guardians of the Galaxy, …