Down Periscope Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 19342

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 41

Theatrical Release Date: 03/01/1996

Language: English

Genre: Comedy

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: David S. Ward

Actors: Kelsey Grammer, Lauren Holly, Rob Schneider, Harry Dean Stanton, Bruce Dern, William H. Macy

Plot: Lt. Cmdr. Tom Dodge is brilliant, yet unconventional officer who has been passed up for his own submarine command for years. His rival, RAdm. Yancy Graham, can't stop his eventual commission, but he assigns him to an outdated diesel sub - the USS Stingray along with a suspect crew. To up the stakes, he will be allowed a cushy new commission, if he can successfully win a friendly war game against the advanced nuclear sub the USS Orlando. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 11/25/2007

A pretty lame comedy that attempts military humor, along with the mundane variety, but I never really got much out of it. It has its moments, but overall you can do a lot better if you're looking for a decent comedy.

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