Movie Information
Overall Rank: 22793
Average Rating: 2.5/4
# of Ratings: 3
Theatrical Release Date: 01/04/2013
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 04/16/2013
Language: Hebrew
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Thierry Binisti
Actors: Agathe Bonitzer, Mahmud Shalaby, Hiam Abbass, Riff Cohen, Abraham Belaga, Jean-Philippe Écoffey
Plot: Only 60 miles separates 17-year-old Tai and 20-year-old Naim - but is may as well be one million. Israel and Gaza - and between them a gulf of the dead from bombings, retaliations and more - can the two hope to overcome such obstacles and find each other? -- Chris Kavan
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