The Purge: Anarchy Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 8372

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 49

Theatrical Release Date: 07/18/2014

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/21/2014

Language: English

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: James DeMonaco

Actors: Zach Gilford, Michael K. Williams, Frank Grillo, Kiele Sanchez, Carmen Ejogo, Chad Morgan

Plot: The annual purge is once again upon the nation - but this time the action is outside, where a young couple find themselves at the mercy of a world gone mad when their car breaks down. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 06/11/2016

Seems ambitious but bites off more than it can chew. The whole class warfare struggle set against the backdrop of the annual Purge (where all crime is legal for 24 hours) wants to be edgy and topical but the characters are paper thin and the plot too predictable despite a few chilling moments. Overall, simply adequate, nothing more.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 01/10/2016

A marked improvement over the first 'Purge'. This time we take to the city streets in a non-stop action thriller set on the next night of 'Purging'. The political agenda is much more clear from the very beginning and it's carried through to a better climax. Though, the message does become just a one note repetition. There are enough new situations and ideas to offset that. I actually liked the main characters this time around, thanks to better characters and an entertaining cast. A few too many conveniences and predictable outcomes brings it down a bit. Still better than the first.

Rating of

tonks76 - wrote on 10/14/2015

Bad bad bad script.

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

Purge 2 ok at best

smeagol - wrote on 08/05/2014

As a fan of the first purge movie i was pretty disappointed in this one. it was average stuff. and didn't go in the direction i expected or have the same feel to it as the first movie.
if you dont know the story Once a year people are allowed to kill rob do what they like for one night only as a way to stop crime for the rest of the year. the first movie was about the people inside this time the movie is about those outside with a whole country either hiding or out on the streets killing you'd think it would make for a good story. but they seemed to choose a very simple idea as a script than really get into telling a more complex story . the mian problem is the dialogue and the actors. none of which were very good. it just felt cheap and after the first movie it should not have been. …

Rating of

One Trick Pony

Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 07/21/2014

The Purge: Anarchy is a one trick pony that uses the same trick as a bunch of other one trick ponies. This sequel takes the premise of last years hit (which was really just a jumping off place for a run-of-the-mill home invasion thriller,) and makes it a whole lot dumber and a lot less thrilling.

Its Message is basically Elysium (I know I’ve said that a hundred times before, but it’s true,) but instead of simply refusing to give the poor healthcare, in The Purge: Anarchy they literally kidnap and assassinate the poor for the fun of it, and the government helps them along. It’s just like The Hunger Games, but with more balls and less brain. I wouldn’t mind if Hollywood made these preachy 1% messaged movies if they gave them half a brain, but they’re, for the most part, …

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