Everest Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3578

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 43

Theatrical Release Date: 09/18/2015

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 01/19/2016

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Thriller

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Baltasar Kormákur

Actors: Jake Gyllenhaal, Josh Brolin, Jason Clarke, John Hawkes, Vanessa Kirby, Michael Kelly

Plot: A group of climbers tackling Mt. Everest must fight to survive after a devastating snow storm leaves them stranded. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/25/2019

First, there's the dull character development. Then, they reach the summit only halfway through the movie, leaving them to brace a ferocious storm on the way down with minimal rewarding triumph in the end.

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Chris Kavan - wrote on 06/06/2016

There is a fine line between bravery and insanity and I think anyone who decides to attempt something that kills one out of every four people who tries it, crosses that line several times over. While I'm sure several liberties are taken with the "true" story behind Everest, it still has a big impact. One wonders what goes through the minds of people who pass frozen corpses left on the mountain on their own way to climb the world's highest peak? All I know is it takes a certain breed of person to do that and whether it's inspirational or insane is quite debatable.

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travincal - wrote on 11/02/2015

no sugar, no salt. the movie was so bad that i wondered about whats the point loosing the minutes just to finish him. and i did not. the article showing the abandoned bodies of those who did not make it acros the time and peaks was much much expressive.

Full Movie Reviews

Evan Wheatley
Evan Wheatley
Rising Star

Rating of

Inspires you to climb your own mountain

Evan Wheatley - wrote on 10/21/2016

Snow flurries pierce your face as you lie on the frigid snow. Your hands and feet are frozen solid along with the oxygen tank at your side. As your body starts succumbing to frostbite, you remember that you are not 26,000 feet in the air on the slopes of the tallest mountain in the world. You’re in a movie theater, the air conditioning is turned up a bit and you’re almost out of popcorn.

“Everest” is a visual and emotional roller coaster that retells the fight for survival of several climbers during the 1996 Mount Everest tragedy. The story follows two expeditions, one led by Rob Hall (Jason Clarke) and the other by Scott Fischer (Jake Gyllenhaal), and the storm that took the lives of five climbers from the two teams.

Rob is a kind-hearted, sympathetic guide who helps …


Rating of


cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/07/2016

"Never let go" steht auf dem Plakat von Everest, der auf einer wahren Besteigung aus dem Jahr 1996 beruht. Der Film handelt davon, wie ein Sport für wenige Spezialisten zu einem Tourist Event mutierte. Das Gebirge erscheint auf einmal wie ein Abenteuerpark und wird von einem Gewimmel an Menschen bestiegen. Statt Einsamkeit hetzen hier die Massen auf den Gipfel. Die (Geschäfts)idee hinter Rob Halls Adventure Consultants ist eine demokratische. Hall, der Consultant für die Natur ist nicht unsympathisch, mehr idealist als Geschäftsmann. Sein Konkurent Scott Fisher von Mountain Madness wirkt wie ein wahnsinniger Späthippie. Fisher schluckt jede Menge Aufputsch- und Schmerzmittel und kennt keine Ehrfurcht mehr vor der Natur. Die Amateure, die von den beiden Kontrahenten auf den Berg …

Movie God

Rating of

They couldn't move this mountain ...

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 12/23/2015

"To put it simply, guys.
Human beings simply aren't built to function at the cruising altitude of a 747."

Why the hell would I watch how a group of adventurers tries to reach the top of Mount Everest guided by a seasoned mountaineer, after they've paid a generous amount of money? An average family could book a few all-inclusive vacations for that kind of money. And it could also be something adventurous where you could admire breathtaking panoramas. Only the chances you'd die during such a voyage is significantly smaller. And just like the traveling journalist Jon Krakauer (Michael Kelly), I asked myself the big question : why the hell would someone decide to do something like climbing Mount Everest? Is it something masochistic? A dream that they are pursuing? Is it about pushing …

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