Night Moves Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4830

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 18

Theatrical Release Date: 05/30/2014

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 09/02/2014

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Kelly Reichardt

Actors: Dakota Fanning, Jesse Eisenberg, Alia Shawkat, Peter Sarsgaard, James Le Gros, Lew Temple

Plot: Follows the lives of three environmentalists as they make a plan to destroy a dam. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Jacob Zembower - wrote on 09/08/2014

Yet another minimalist slow-burn from director Kelly Reichardt, but probably her most accessible. Night Moves is a film of quietly mounting suspense where it's hard to see where it's going until it gets there. Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning, and Peter Scarsgaard give wonderful performances. And while it's about environmental extremists, it never once becomes some piece of propaganda for greenpeace. In fact, there's nothing peaceful about it. It's more akin to a Hitchcock film. It's also strikingly well made and perfectly understated. One of the best of the year.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 09/07/2014

A slow moving drama with heavy atmosphere. The stationary directing is absorbing and the acting is solid. It's trying to convey a very subtle undercurrent of suspense. This area works slightly in the buildup, but the second half flounders a bit when the emphasis turns to paranoia. The movie lost it's absorption on me after this point. The end note does not have the intended effect because of this.

Rating of

Fio - wrote on 06/22/2014

This film is heavy on atmosphere and light on dialogue, and there are a lot of scenes in which nothing in particular happens. These elements made the movie strangely engrossing for me. I think that speaks to Reichardt's skill as a director and writer--A slow-building tension infiltrates the arc of the story, even when the characters are engaged in mundane tasks. The performances from the three main actors are excellent. Eisenberg's character is a pretty cold and creepy guy, but I found myself feeling for him. The events in the film dredge up a response he is unable to cope with. It's a very powerful performance.

Full Movie Reviews

Rating of

Exempel - wrote on 07/05/2016

In Kelly Reichardts neuem Film beweisen ein paar Umweltaktivisten, dass sie auch wirklich aktiv sind. Der Höhepunkt aber, die Explosion eines Staudamms, findet im Off statt, während wir die drei Aktivisten im Halbdunkel auf der Flucht erleben. Das bedeutet nun aber nicht, dass Reichardt nicht in der Lage wäre, einen Spannungsbogen aufzubauen. Zehn Minuten lang dauert der - Suspense im besten Sinne! Trotzdem hat sie keinen Thriller, keinen Genre Film gemacht. Josh (Jesse Eisenberg) und Dena (Dakota Fanning) sind militante Umweltaktivisten. Deshalb beschliessen sie mit dem Kriegsveteranen Harmon (Peter Sarsgaard), einen Staudamm zu sprengen. Ein Exempel zu statuieren! Lachse sterben, damit iPods laufen, so die Argumentation. Nur Harmon könnte man genauso gut unterstellen, dass er …

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