Femme Fatale Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 23064

Average Rating: 2/4

# of Ratings: 29

Theatrical Release Date: 11/06/2002

Language: English

Genre: Thriller, Crime

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Brian De Palma

Actors: Rebecca Romijn, Antonio Banderas, Peter Coyote, Eriq Ebouaney, Edouard Montoute, Rie Rasmussen

Plot: After pulling off a heist at the Cannes Film Festival, a woman tries to escape her criminal past by pretending to be French and marrying a wealthy American diplomat. Naturally, things go wrong. -- Topher

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 08/05/2019

Stylish and sexy neo-noir with a superb performance by Rebecca Romijn as a wily thief trying to leave her past behind, only for things to become more complicated. Romijn carries this strange film on her shoulders through the twists and turns. De Palma flexes his muscles reinvigorating the classic Hitchcockian blonde. The first ninety minutes of this movie are excellently paced and could had ended in a more brutal manner. But I suppose studio notes insisted on a more upbeat ending.

Rating of

Allison - wrote on 12/22/2007

Probably Brian DePalma's worst film. Not even a scene at the Cannes Film Festival can save this.

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Rating of

Falling is Always an Image

Topher - wrote on 01/31/2008

From the title, you would expect either a compelling exploration of the genre or cliche. This movie, like it's lead actress, is "irredeemably bad" and "makes no apologies."

Unfortunately, the filmakers believed they were on to something special. Behind the scenes, DePalma says, "For a director accused of making women victims, this woman is in no way a victim." Maybe so, but this film does play off the old victim-whore dichotomy.

Adopting a black wig and a phony french accent does not make one a femme fatale -- nor do power, sex and death at 150 frames per second. There must be depth -- not surface -- and obscurity -- not gloss. This movie was artless where it should have been sexy, and superficial where it should have been enigmatic.

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