The Transporter Refueled Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 21379

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 15

Theatrical Release Date: 09/04/2015

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 12/08/2015

Language: English

Genre: Action

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Camille Delamarre

Actors: Ed Skrein, Loan Chabanol, Lenn Kudrjawizki, Radivoje Bukvic, Ray Stevenson, Tatiana Pajkovic

Plot: The technology has been upgraded but the rules are the same: never change the deal, no names and never open the package. Frank is the most highly-skilled transporter on the market - and when Anna and her three stunning sidekicks hire him, he finds the deal turned sour when he finds out they have kidnapped his father in order for him to take down a Russian human-trafficking ring. But Frank will stop at nothing to get his father back - no matter who stands in his way. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 12/07/2016

Ed Skrein is no Jason Statham but Refueled was better than I expected. It's still pretty much mindless action and pretty faces and fast cars but I doubt this reboot will be getting any sequels and perhaps it is for the best. There is only one Transporter and if he's not going to show up, why bother?

Rating of

Suvronil - wrote on 12/10/2015

The movie is not as good as per expectation.The new transporter is not at all acceptable in place of Jason Statham. There is no role for the transporter in this movie. The brilliant acting by the actress(portraying the character Anna) is appreciable and for that only, the movie hasn't become a waste.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

Ok the story is told,no need to refuel it again

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 03/01/2016

"You know, in my day, when you wanted to make a cup of coffee you just had to boil the water and strain the grinds.
Now it seems like you need a PhD.
Dad, you have a PhD. That's a juicer."

I can remember the first "The Transporter" from 2002 as an energetic and fast-paced film with Frank Martin racing through the streets of the French south coast with his car. Frank's driving skills were unrivaled and he used this talent for anyone who would pay for it. The next two films continued on this momentum. All films had the same in common. The story was straightforward and simplistic. You could call it a typical weekend movie. A movie you'd go for without thinking.

I wasn't waiting for a reboot. The only reason I watched this, was to see how Ed Skrein would do as the tough courier. …

Movie God

Rating of

'Refueled', Yet Still Running on Fumes

Unknown - wrote on 09/12/2015

'Transporter: Refueled' is another failed attempt at a reboot. Both Statham and the series original director are gone. What we are left with is a watered down, half-baked (and not even half-assed) version of what was once a fun action franchise. There's nothing remotely stimulating. The action is low-grade standard stuff, the actors are forgettable, and the rushed plot is needlessly made to look complicated. One could get some possible laughs out of the dumb cheese permeating most of the poor writing, but there's very few unintentional laughs to merit that specific kind of dumb enjoyment. No, this movie is just plain dumb. An empty vessel worth little effort and even less time for viewing. You're better off watching the first two 'Transporter' flicks. They get everything right …

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of

It's bad but it never went full bad.

Matthew Brady - wrote on 09/10/2015

You know it's a bad sign when Jason Statham himself says no to another Transporter movie, and it was the best decision he ever made.

Transporter Refueled is about the technology and how it's upgraded but the rules are the same: never change the deal, no names and never open the package. Frank is the most highly-skilled transporter on the market - and when Anna and her three stunning sidekicks hire him, he finds the deal turned sour when he finds out they have kidnapped his father in order for him to take down a Russian human-trafficking ring. But Frank will stop at nothing to get his father back - no matter who stands in his way.

Transporter Refueled was a movie that I was totally unaware off, because I literally never knew they made another one, and I just found out about it just …

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