Fortress Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 8203

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 35

Theatrical Release Date: 09/03/1993

Language: English

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Stuart Gordon

Actors: Christopher Lambert, Kurtwood Smith, Loryn Locklin, Clifton Collins Jr., Lincoln Kilpatrick, Jeffrey Combs

Plot: The future is under strict population control. When a husband and wife are caught at an emigration point with an illegal baby, they are sent to prison. Soon they learn they entire operation is run by a heartless corporation who use various forms of mind control on the prisoners. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 01/11/2013

Typical of the kind of dumb sci-fi B-movie that became the staple of Christopher Lambert's career, this daft prison yarn gets increasingly ridiculous as it goes (it winds up with them being stalked by an intelligent lorry...)

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

Better than I expected

WestIsBest - wrote on 11/18/2007

I'm all for cheesy sci-fi movies with pretty bad acting and so I was surprised when I was given more than I bargained for with Fortress. Sure, it's still dated as the effects aren't what they could be now but it is actually a very watchable movie. Christopher Lambert makes a likeable hero and even the character of Karen doesn't come across as your typical damsel in distress, being able to hold her own. Kurtwood Smith plays the part of the villain well as he displays some depth in the character but it's the cell mates that I believe steal the movie. Abraham is an interesting character, showing what happens to people if they are in there for so long and then there's the all-important computer whizz played to perfection by Jeffrey Combs. D-Day is one of my favourite characters of his, he …

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