Movie Information
Overall Rank: 376
Average Rating: 3.3/4
# of Ratings: 36
Theatrical Release Date: 12/30/2015
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 06/07/2016
Language: English
Genre: Animation, Comedy
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Duke Johnson, Charlie Kaufman
Actors: Jennifer Jason Leigh, David Thewlis, Tom Noonan
Plot: A depressed customer service rep faces the mundanity of his life and one day finds someone he can finally connect with. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/25/2019
Charlie Kaufman's study of human imperfection is unlike any stop-motion animated film you've ever seen.
Full Movie Reviews
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Puppen - wrote on 03/07/2016
Was auch immer im amerikanischen Film gerade läuft, es gibt noch eine zweite Richtung: Die des Charlie Kaufman. Obwohl er bis dahin mehr Drehbücher verfasst hat als Filme inszeniert, muss er als Autor gelten. Charlie Kaufmans Werk ist so eigen, so originell - seine Figuren sprechen ihre ganz eigene erhabene Sprache. Seine Komödien leben von ihrem bissigen Humor, abgedrehten Slapstick und ihrem selbstbewussten Erzähl-Stil. Poesie und Träume, all das findet Einzug in die Bilderwelt des Charlie Kaufman. Ich denke, seine bisherigen Arbeiten handeln Kaufmans eigenes Leben ab - wobei der Unterschied von Film zu Film undeutlicher wird. Irgendwann werden wir nicht mehr wissen, ob privat oder erfunden. Anomalisa ist ein Midlife-Crisis Drama mit Puppen. Ursprünglich hatte Kaufman die …
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Captivating, but Harshly Depressive
Unknown - wrote on 02/01/2016
'Anomalisa' is one of the most unique animated films I've ever seen. It utilizes proven methods of stop-motion animation and puppetry to engulf us in a completely realistic environment. The look and feel is almost exactly that of real life. This begs the question of "why present this story though animation?". Well, the visuals do add a significant level of engagement to an otherwise mundane plot. It allows us to focus much more heavily on the inner thoughts and emotions of the main character. This is one area that will turn off most viewers. The whole thing basically boils down to a one night stand involving a man who has lost any passion at all in life. We see how dreary his life is beforehand due to the monotone existence in which he views everyone around him. This is enhanced …
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Anomalisa - Movie Review
Matthew Brady - wrote on 12/31/2015
Michael Stone: "I think you're extraordinary".
Lisa: "Why?".
Michael Stone: "I don't know yet. It's just obvious to me that you are".
Anomalisa is about a depressed customer service rep faces the mundanity of his life and one day finds someone he can finally connect with.
What a better way to end the year is to talk about "Anomalisa", one of my most anticipated movie of 2015. Charlie Kaufman is an inspiration, as a writer and now a director. Synecdoche, New York is one of my all time favorite movies, and yeah it's for everyone, but I personally loved it as with every repeat viewings of the movie made my love each more. Now we've got Anomalisa, Kaufman's new film and I did have the pleasure of watching the movie last night, I thought it was freaking fantastic. He did it again …
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