Interceptor Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 29549

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 3

Theatrical Release Date: 06/03/2022

Language: English

Genre: Action, Drama

Director: Matthew Reilly

Actors: Elsa Pataky, Luke Bracey, Aaron Glenane, Mayen Mehta, Paul Caesar, Belinda Jombwe

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 06/07/2022

Stripped down and simplified action thriller that it's probably fitting for it to be on Netflix. Elsa Pataky is an American soldier who has to prevent a nuclear holocaust by a mad terrorist (Luke Bracey) on a top-secret ocean platform. Pataky has the makings for a capable action lead. Luke Bracey is reliably smarmy as the villain. Except the movie is just not that interesting. A lot of it takes places in confined spaces or corridors like a typical DIE HARD clone. There are a couple fight scenes that are bloody but it's not enough to hold interest.

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