Leonard Part 6 Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 46575

Average Rating: 1/4

# of Ratings: 30

Theatrical Release Date: 12/18/1987

Language: English

Genre: Comedy

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Paul Weiland

Actors: Bill Cosby, Tom Courtenay, Joe Don Baker, Moses Gunn, Victoria Rowell, Gloria Foster

Plot: An ex-spy is brought back into the fold to stop an evil vegetarian from turning brain-washed animals into assassins. Yet he faces an even bigger challenge - getting his ex-wife back. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 04/10/2016

I could make a Bill Cosby joke, but Cosby himself has already beaten me to it, I mean just look at his film career.

Rating of

lastonetoleave - wrote on 08/27/2015

Leonard Part 6 (1987) Leonard Parker (Bill Cosby), is a former CIA spy who is recruited by the government to track down an evil vegetarian who brainwashes animals to kill people in a plot to make everyone vegetarians. This is a movie that even the PETA organization can’t stomach. He saves the world by using Alka-Seltzer (you have to see it to believe it, but don’t). Even though the film was created by, produced, and starred Bill Cosby, he told audiences to save their money and stay away from the film. - See more at: http://lastonetoleavethetheatre.blogspot.com/search?q=leonard+part#sthash.o9YOWEPS.dpuf

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 08/07/2011

Cosby rarely misfires, but he managed to miss the target by miles here.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

Pudding wouldn't even help this one!!

mdtinney - wrote on 11/21/2009

I was tempted to give this movie the highest score possible simply because this movie is so hilariously bad. This movie is AMAZING if you go into it with the correct mindset. Just get a group of people together to laugh at how bad it is. Cosby rides a flying ostrich, dances with ballerina slippers, kisses his butler (twice!), defeats enemies with magic meat, uses underarm missiles and more. Even more amazing... he does this while looking bored. Cosby, who is well known for his exaggerated expressions, seriously looks bored in EVERY SHOT. This makes it all more entertaining. Oh, and have mentioned the hilariously obvious product placement? Yes, Cosby holds a bottle of coke right in the middle of one of the shots. Yup, so bad. I feel that I've already ruined enough for you, but trust me. …

Movie God

Rating of

The plague, I would rather have the plague.

TheWolf - wrote on 08/03/2007

I saw this movie when it hit VHS and the whole reason for renting it was because my father and I had been on a Bill Cosby kick that included a lot of his stand-up routines. Well when he brought this home I looked at it and said "I haven't seen the first 5". Which from what I understand was the reaction of most people that have seen this movie. The movie was awful. The premise actually had promise - a retired spy (whose assignments 1-5 were classified "in the interest of national security") returns to thwart the plans of a vegetarian madwoman who, with the help of armies of mind-controlled animals, is bent on world domination. But, boy, is the final product a lethargic bore. The movie plays like an experiment to see just how slow an eighty-minute movie can feel; it's badly written and …

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