Movie Talk Posts
Stuart '2-D' Pot - wrote on 2017-09-18 05:24
A solid sequel to The Avengers. I might even go the length as to say it might be better than Avengers
Zulmaran - wrote on 2015-04-15 03:01
Well, that movie should be the greatest superhero thing ever
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2015-03-08 01:16
The new trailer has me even more excited - plus,it looks like Spider-Man is going to join this franchise (who knows how that is going to play out). Now, if we could only get the X-men on board...
smeagol - wrote on 2014-11-01 05:20
They may have to change their plans when a few start failingthere's already talk of overload of the super hero all genres in the end people will be saying whats on at the cinema oh another super hero movie again ( one they' have never heard of ) and pass on watching happnes with everything as soon as something makes money suddenly everybody is saturating the market with the same product under a different guise. people get bored fast. some of those super heros ive never heard of. they will need some mean campaign to get people interested in some of the end of the day though no one forces us to watch as long as other good movies get made and get a look in then all should be fine. but the wheels will come of this super heo train soon its just a case of what movie it will be to first crash and burn.then suddenly the studios will be backing off .as those are big budget movies
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2014-10-31 19:53
Becaue Marvel obviously couldn't be one-upped by DC and here is a great article about all the upcoming films:http://www.businessinside cement-vs-dc-warner-bros- 2014-10Scroll to the bottom - 30 Superhero films are being released between now and 2020 - as it is now scheduled. The mind boggles - and obviously something is going to give.
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2014-10-24 15:59
It is pretty ridiculous how many superhero movies are on the schedule - but I still have some faith that at least the next Avengers and next X-Man films look at least like they are on the right track. But when you start giving movies to Ant-Man and Aquaman, well, we have to reach a breaking point at some time, right?
smeagol - wrote on 2014-10-24 14:15
yeah its mad. far to many. The big studios are seeking out everything to adapt at the moment. the problem is some of it is bottom of the barrel stuff but its still getting a lot of attention.i'd rather just the avenger movies really all of them in one movie between these and the remakes and revamps its quite a domination.still we watch them huh!. as long as i'm entertained im happy but i do feel the choice is far less now than it used to be.
Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 2014-10-24 13:35
I agree. The way that these movies are saturating the market is ridiculous. There are seven super-hero films scheduled for release in 2016 and even more in 2017. The info-graphic in the link below gives you an idea of how insane the next few years will be! wker-media/image/upload/s --ZP9u2_fI--/oe6rjfnbtt2v v2cyk6wr.jpg
smeagol - wrote on 2014-10-24 13:11
why do i keep reading avengers 3 i 'm sure there has only been one. its really confusing.I'm not really into th super hero movies for me there is far too many and they are over taking everything but the first avengers was ok and iron man is good mainly cause of the persoanlity of downey.hated captain america total corny bore fest for me. but avengers is worth seeing i think.i would like to see other movies doing as well as these super hero movies. when ninja turtles are doing well you know the fad is too much.there is dozens upon dozens planned for the future. there is no escape lol.just hope some of the deserved movies get a look in as all the money is beign spent on the easy cash in of a super hero movie. its big business.not quite sure why though some are ok some are not. none are really amazing or anything.
Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 2014-10-24 02:26
I had the opposite reaction when I saw this trailer. I seriously am tired of all these freaking super-hero movies, and all this did was remind me that they aren't going away anytime soon. But does that mean I'm not going to see Age of Ultron? Of course I am, and I'll probably enjoy it too. But I have trouble getting excited for another movie that looks like every other big hit movie that's come out in the last few years.Maybe I'll get excited after I get over being so damn cynical.