![Steve T](/images/people/profile_male.gif)
FilmCrave Points
Activity | Points |
Total Ratings | 0 |
Total Reviews | 1 |
Total Lists | 3 |
Total Plots | 0 |
Total Points | 6 |
Steve T's Information
Ranking Status: Aspiring Actor
Gender: Male
Current Area: Irwin, Pa, USA
Home Town: Pgh, Pa, USA
Movie Profile
Film I Love: Godfather, Muppet Movie, Star Wars, Indiana Jones series, The Mummy series, Jurassic Park series
Film I Hate: None
Guilty Pleasure: Musicals
Favorite Genre: Action
Least Favorite Genre: Romance
Favorite Actors: Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks
Favorite Director: Scorsese, speilberg
Latest Movie Review
Rating of
Kettle of Fish review
I watched Kettle of Fish only because my wife was watching it. I was pleasantly surprised at how entertaining it was. I didn't like much about the character, Mel, at first, but as the movie went on, he became more likable. The movie reminded me a lot of When Harry Met Sally (minus the wildlife). The addition of the love match between the frog and the goldfish paralleling the growing relationship between the two main human characters was an unexpected twist. It was interesting to watch the development and growth in the relationship between Mel and Ginger, even if you knew from first meeting them that they would end up together somehow. They went from being strangers to roommates quite quickly, moved easily into a mutual friendship, and …