FilmCrave Points
Activity | Points |
Total Ratings | 1 |
Total Reviews | 0 |
Total Lists | 4 |
Total Plots | 0 |
Total Points | 21 |
Alexandra403's Information
Ranking Status: Aspiring Actress
Name: Alexandra Savvas
Gender: Female
Education: high school, college...
Employer: the medical clinic of champaign aka my dad
Position: receptionist, biller, minion of hell - i work for my father in a medical office that is always super busy doing all that a person can do in an office without having to heal the sick. mostly i'm just decoration, but sometimes i offer comic relief.
About Me: i'm not a complicated person. i do not have an adventurous life. what i do have is my movie collection and my cat. although her preferences and mine are not always the same. i am totally aware that i am a movie junkie and i'm ok with that. the first step is always acknowledging that you have a problem. movies are a great escape for me and god how i wish i could escape.
Interests: movies. duh i mean why else would i be on here. but just so you know i'm not on here to be a movie critic. i think that movie critics are total crap. make up your own mind about what you like and be strong enough to stand by it.
Movie Profile
Film I Love: too many to list here
Film I Hate: hate is a strong word....
Guilty Pleasure: disney movies
Favorite Genre: Drama
Least Favorite Genre: Western
Favorite Actors: Gerard Butler, Michael Sheen, Amanda Bynes, Kristen Stewart
Favorite Director: Kevin Smith
Recent Rating History
Movie Title | Rating | Overall | Add |
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans | 3.0/4 | 2.7/4 |