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Movie God

Alex - wrote on 10/13/11 at 04:44 PM CT

Yeah Drive is a great movie. Hopefully there will be some other surprises this year.

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 03/27/11 at 12:37 PM CT

We wanted you to be the first know about the launch of FilmCrave’s sister site, MeltedJoystick.com, the ultimate video game social network! You will recognize much of the same great features as you do on FilmCrave, but enhanced for video game lovers. We invite you to become a member, rate your favorite games, create your top game lists, and write game reviews.
We can’t wait to see you at MeltedJoystick.com. As always, you know where to find us if you have questions.

The Film Rebel
The Film Rebel

The Film Rebel - wrote on 02/23/11 at 02:46 PM CT

Oh and as to why Jackie Brown wasn't on the list: I hadn't seen it til very recently and I made that list before I saw it. So, I forgot to add it on there once I did see it.

The Film Rebel
The Film Rebel

The Film Rebel - wrote on 02/23/11 at 02:45 PM CT

You may murder me for saying this, but I hate Devil's Rejects. I think its really overrated. I don't get why people say Rob Zombie's a talented filmmaker. All of his movies suck. Great musician. Bad director. Keep in mind its just my opinion.

Movie God

sapien - wrote on 01/27/11 at 10:15 PM CT

Naw, it's not really a spoiler given the movie's plot.


prettypirate - wrote on 11/07/10 at 12:59 PM CT

hey it doesn't look like we have much in common lol!


spanglish - wrote on 08/18/10 at 11:39 AM CT

oh yea... those are all pretty horrible. Zohan was unbearable! Despite my screenname I am not a fam of Spanglish either. I guess when it comes to Adam Sandler I am willing to forget his mistakes unlike some other actors. Maybe it is because he seems pretty harmless to the film culture. Have you seen Punch-Drunk love? I have not and i was wondering what your thoughts were


spanglish - wrote on 08/17/10 at 01:40 AM CT

Mr. Deeds Review comment

I forgot about Little Nicky...that movie was his worst for sure

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/28/10 at 11:09 PM CT

Hello all!

As you can see, the site looks much better! We also made a few additions, which I think you will be pleased with.

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Aspiring Actress

annakinema - wrote on 07/14/10 at 03:58 PM CT

Predators Review comment

Damn. This is turning out to be an incredibly hard review to write. Why? Because the film succeeds with everything it sets out to do. I just don’t like it very much. Predators

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