Recent Comments
Horrornut45 - wrote on 08/17/18 at 05:51 AM CT
The Meg Review comment
Special effects overall good movie
truckturner - wrote on 08/15/18 at 03:58 AM CT
Small world! Shame EaC closed down.
travincal - wrote on 02/19/15 at 08:07 AM CT
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Review comment
when she has a nightmare and the blonde guy who earlier said something on tv enters the room due to the screaming I ended it!! juvenile crap. this movie is not a serious thing.
Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 08/11/14 at 10:46 PM CT
The Birth of a Nation Review comment
I struggle with this one as well. I'm not sure that it's right to judge a movie based on it's message. But it's hard to appreciate a movie who's message is so offensive by today's standards. I try and judge it based on the quality of the picture itself, and not just it's message. my conclusion is that The Birth of a Nation is one of the most important films of all time, it just hasn't aged very well. Poor D.W. Griffith and his stupid racism.