Looneymanthegreat's Movie Review of Beasts of the Southern Wild

Rating of

Beasts of the Southern Wild

A stunning cinematic journey
Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 03/22/13

It has been a long time since I’ve been to the cinema and seen something so strikingly original, thought provoking and beautiful. I really hope this Benh Zeitlin guy makes more movies.

The movie makes a fairy tale out of tragic real world events as seen through the eyes of a little girl named Hushpuppy. She sees the world much differently then most of us, partially because her home, The Bathtub, is unlike many of our own homes, filled with a cast of strange, but loveable, characters. It’s her view of things, and Wallis’ performance that make this movie rise above and beyond most of the other movie I saw in 2012.

I’ve seen this movie three or four times now and I absolutely love it. There are some movies that make you feel happy, and there are some movies that make you feel sad, but Beasts of the Southern Wild can temporarily transform your perspective on reality. It grows in one an appreciation for the little “particles of the universe,” and how beautiful they really are. Even in the shadow of tragedy we live in a staggering beautiful world, and we may take that for granted sometimes, but hushpuppy sure doesn’t. and when looking at the world through her eyes you sure won’t either.

Out of all the Best Picture Nominees this year this was my favorite. A stunning cinematic journey that I recommend everyone experience.

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