Looneymanthegreat's Movie Review of How the West Was Won

Rating of

How the West Was Won

What fun!
Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 04/12/13

The western used to be a big deal. Back in the hay day of actors like John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart Western flicks made tons of money. It’s actually kind of refreshing that there was a time when a film like How the West Was Won could have been made.

How the West was won is a tribute to the west, not just the cinematic west, but the historical one. The movie uses a series of very loosely connected story lines to give examples of the sort of people populated the western United States. It’s a fitting send off to the men and women who made our today, and a fitting history lesson to boot.

This movie just screams a huge budget. This movie never takes short cuts in its production and it shows. The film is breathtaking in its scope.

Honestly it isn’t a great film, but it’s an entertaining epic that will entertain western fans and cinephile alike, if you have a few hours I recommend you check it out.

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