Jacob Ward's Movie Review of Kettle of Fish

Rating of

Kettle of Fish

Kettle of Fish Romance Comedy Review
Jacob Ward - wrote on 10/01/20

Kettle of Fish is a very subtle and every-day romantic comedy film. This film explores very interesting character dynamics while keeping the premise very mainstream with an easy story to follow.

The main characters Mel, and Ginger begin the film with a very dysfunctional relationship when Mel forces her to stay together at this former apartment he sold to her. Both characters could not get long at first, but over time they managed to grow into the perfect couple and get together at the end. A true tearjerker in the film was the relationship between Daphne (the goldfish), and Casanova (the frog). Both animal's love for each other brought a very sweet and compelling subplot to the relationship of Ginger, and Mel.

When analyzing the characters, it does make people learn a very valuable lesson about love and being stuck in a dream world. Sometimes chasing worthless dreams can be meaningless. Mel spent numerous times chasing after Diana, who he never met before falling in love with instead of focusing on developing a meaningful relationship and growing up.

This film more enjoyable than I initially thought it would be, and I do believe this is a great family film that entertains and provides a great educational experience. I highly recommend this film to everyone who loves a good romance story.

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