Nikwat's Movie Review of American Gangster

Rating of

American Gangster

Hmmm....I'm not sure...
Nikwat - wrote on 11/11/07

Well, first I will say that I read the novelization of the screenplay. Hence I am disappointed, yet even if I hadn't read that I would still be....wanting more. Obviously things get left on the cutting floor...but it seemed rushed. Yes rushed, and came in at over two and a half hours. But like I said, I read the book (freshly and stylishly written by the way-read the book!) and I had the movie in my head...and it just didn't look the way I saw it so maybe I'm...I don't know, biased? Anyways it just wasn't as good as I thought it would be. After the book, I was salivating, just waiting for Sunday at 1:50 to come. It came. I went. It went. Now I either wish I hadn't read the book, or watched the movie. One or the other. Not both. To sum it up, going in I was almost positive this would be a future addition to the dvd stack...but in short - It most likely will not be purchased. Good, but not great.

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