Rating of
It's about purpose!
stacyanderson81 - wrote on 12/19/07
I thought this was a brilliant movie. I think people struggled with this movie, because it was a tale that was not familiar to them. It's an eastern (as in hemisphere) bedtime story, and it certainly has a moral to it.
This movie is about living for your purpose. Each of us has a purpose for being here, and if you try to live for anyone else's purpose besides the one specifically designed for you, your life will be frustrating and things will not work the way they are supposed to. It's also about not assuming what another's purpose is....as demonstrated by Mr. Heep, assigning all the tasks to the people, and it not working..they nymph still gets attacked. When everyone stepped in to the role they were destined for, it worked!
There is so much too this movie that goes beyond, just what appears on the surface. Even if it were just a surfacy story, it's still quality. It's a cool story about these mythical creatures that come to help guide us and help us heal...all around this movie is very good. I think many people just misunderstand M.Night's work. They try to lump it in with horror movies and then are disappointed when no one with emotional baggage starts killing people. He never set out to do horror movies...so don't go into his movies expecting that.