Alien Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Top Sci-Fi List

List created by Shiv Rauniyar

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Avatar N/A
2. The Matrix N/A
3. Alien N/A
4. Back to the Future N/A
5. Terminator 2: Judgement Day N/A

Science Fiction

List created by frisbeetoe

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Dreamscape N/A
2. Scanners N/A
3. They Live N/A
4. The Incredible Shrinking Man N/A
5. Starship Troopers N/A

Top Movie List

List created by mdtinney

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shawshank Redemption 4/4
2. No Country for Old Men 4/4
3. Scent of a Woman 4/4
4. The Godfather 4/4
5. Pulp Fiction 4/4

My Favorite Films

List created by Robert

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Thing 4/4
2. Psycho 4/4
3. Jaws 4/4
4. Night of the Living Dead 4/4
5. Dawn of the Dead 4/4

Top Sci-Fi List

List created by filmkyr

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. RoboCop 4/4
2. Predator 4/4
3. Predator 2 4/4
4. AVP: Alien Vs. Predator 4/4
5. Aliens 4/4

My Wish List

List created by Crowfly

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Catch and Release N/A
2. Scarface N/A
3. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days N/A
4. Twister N/A
5. Finding Neverland N/A


List created by Tysori

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shawshank Redemption 4/4
2. Fight Club 3.5/4
3. The Godfather 4/4
4. Pulp Fiction 4/4
5. Forrest Gump 4/4


List created by kylie

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Fight Club N/A
2. The Godfather N/A
3. The Dark Knight N/A
4. Pulp Fiction N/A
5. Forrest Gump N/A

Top 40 best horror movies of all time

List created by anderson100

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Alien 4/4
2. Underworld 4/4
3. World War Z 4/4
4. Event Horizon 4/4
5. 30 Days of Night 4/4
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