Equilibrium Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists


Top Horror List

List created by ian

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Dawn of the Dead N/A
2. Horde, The ( horde, La ) N/A
3. Zombieland N/A
4. Black Sheep N/A
5. Shaun of the Dead N/A

Top Movie List

List created by Stoneman

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. 300 N/A
2. Spartacus N/A
3. The Boondock Saints N/A
4. Dirty Harry N/A
5. Serenity N/A

Movies Watched

List created by SamDiz

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Unstoppable 3/4
2. Tangled 3/4
3. Prime 3/4
4. Toy Story 3 4/4
5. The Shawshank Redemption 4/4

Favourite Romantic Movies

List created by context_matters

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Casablanca N/A
2. Roman Holiday N/A
3. The Philadelphia Story N/A
4. Moulin Rouge N/A
5. Annie Hall N/A

Seen'em - sci-fi

List created by jjr

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Terminator N/A
2. Star Trek N/A
3. Close Encounters of the Third Kind N/A
4. ET: The Extra-Terrestrial N/A
5. Ghostbusters N/A

Movies I Own List

List created by Richard

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. American Graffiti N/A
2. A Stitch in Time N/A
3. Alexander N/A
4. American Gangster N/A
5. The Abyss N/A

Top Sci-Fi List

List created by baturkey

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Equilibrium N/A

Movies I Want To See List

List created by Spielbergian

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Road to Perdition N/A
2. The Untouchables N/A
3. Chinatown N/A
4. Casino N/A
5. Taxi Driver N/A

Movies I Own List

List created by Myviewing

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey N/A
2. 2012 N/A
3. 300 N/A
4. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective 4/4
5. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls 4/4
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