The Tree of Life Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

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Raum und Zeit - wrote on 04/25/2016

Terrence Malicks The Tree Of Life ist ein Film von gewaltigen Ambitionen und tiefer Menschlichkeit. Nicht weniger als das Abbild aller Existenz durch das Prima einer überschaubaren Zahl menschlichen Lebens: Der O'Brien Familie. Mir fällt nur ein einziger Film ein, der einen ähnlichen Anspruch hat und das ist 2001 - doch dem geht das Humanistische von Malicks Film ab. Malick ist der letzte Überlebende der New Hollywood Generation, dem immer noch und immer wieder solch ein Meisterwerk zuzutrauen ist! Ich kann mich kaum erinnern, wann mich ein Film zuletzt so berührt hat und so viel mit meinem eigenen Leben zu tun hatte. Fast kommt es mir so vor, als ob die Männer in The Tree Of Life ich selbst sind. Hätte ich die Begabung Malicks und müsste einen autobiographischen Film drehen, er …


Rating of

Everything in a nutshell.

memento_mori - wrote on 06/25/2013

Guess who got snubbed for Best Director.

Terrence Malick has proven himself to be a very unaccountable director. He never does interviews, barely ever lets himself be seen in public, and he makes strange editing decisions, often editing the majority of an actor's performance out of the movie… And with The Tree of Life, he yet again delivers something baffling.
As for Malick's direction: It's one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen in my life, if not the most beautiful.
It feels like every frame, every shot in this film has a story behind it, a philosophy. Like it's a part of a clockwork that energizes our lives. And of course it has that Terrence Malick feel to it. The long, poignant shots and the ominous whispers. This is not a film for people who don't like Malick's …

Rising Star

Rating of

A masterpiece.

Polly - wrote on 06/16/2012

The Tree of Life is one of those films that you either love or hate - there is no middle ground. It questions the existence of God and shows the truly important things in life in a way that makes the viewer search for the answers himself - but they are hidden in plain sight.
The film itself is about Sean Penn's character who remembers his childhood after he learns that his younger brother has died, trying to say goodbye when it is too late. The scenes in the film are like remembering your own childhood - you don't remember all of it but you are able to recall the innocence of it and some of these not-so-important moments that become important later because they stick with your forever. The plot would've made the movie boring if it wasn't done in such unusual way. The cinematography and …

TV Extra

Rating of

Dull as ditch water and less awe inspiring.

gzn - wrote on 04/01/2012

I wish I liked this but I didn't. I like a film that makes me think and even better, one that makes me either see the world differently or change my viewpoint on something. I hesitate to make assumptions on the aims and objectives of writer, director or producer on this one and can only say that I I loathed it! Despite huge ambition, the metaphysics failed to awe and the story arc failed to move me. During the last few minutes all my mind could express was 'Please end now'. To be honest I found the opening credits of Star Trek Voyager more moving. Why did the one female character have to be so vacuous? Why were the male characters so at odds with each other and the world? It all felt too pretentious, too self conscious and too up its own Grand Canyon.


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sreekirch - wrote on 02/19/2012

The best part comes when the origin of universe is compared to human life and depicting that love is most important thing in the universe. Along with the effective narration is the soul stirring score from Alexander Desplat. The cinematography and camera work during the formation of universe was exceptionally brilliant. The Tree of Life is written and directed by Terrence Malick. Fox searchlight and river road distributes it. It stars Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain. After the movie according to me it was a heart touching tale that explains how well love is connected at every instant. It was long nearly 130 minutes but never the plot gave up. It was continuing and till the last frame it showed that how silent hearted and touching it can say a truth.
The plot begins like a …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Tree of Life review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 01/28/2012

Not a movie for everyone’s appreciation, especially those who always requires a swift and structured pace of storytelling with a basic plot. This one really caught me by surprise in terms of its overall direction. It’s title has several meanings: a metaphor describing the interrelatedness of living things through evolution, mystical concept within the Kabbalah of Judaism, the tree in the Garden of Eden and many more, such as the film itself. The story centers on the O’Brien family in the early days with cut scenes of the mature Jack. It portrays a strict and disciplined father and an understanding mother.

The screenplay by itself was outstanding with a few though provoking quotes from the picture: Mr. O’Brien - “You control your own destiny.” Mrs. O’Brien - The …

Movie God

Rating of

Malick's Masterpiece

mitchellyoung - wrote on 11/17/2011

I think this film's divisive nature comes from the fact that none of its content is spoonfed to the audience. This is the Malick film to end all Malick films and there are plenty of characteristics of the auteur's past films on full display: dreamy voiceovers, use of choral music, beautifully photographed panoramas. There's so much to be written about the film, but it really bears a second or third viewing to fully capture all the nuances and themes available.

One - the film is extremely beautiful. It's shot on 35mm instead of digital and even the most simple and intimate shot is captured in insane detail and color. In particular, the scenes of the birth and death of the earth (complete with dinosaurs!) are stunning.

Two - the score by Alexandre Desplat is equally emotionally …

Movie God

Rating of

Visually Stunning But Very Different and Unique

Alex - wrote on 06/19/2011

Quality of Story: An interesting concept. This movie spans the creation of the earth into a normal American child during the 1960s. There really is not much dialog to this film as it is mostly told through visual cues. I think because of this it can seem to lack depth. Many people came out of the theater wondering the purpose. I feel that I know the purpose but that didn’t make the movie more satisfying. A bit week compared to what it could have been.

Cinematography: Stunning. Breathtaking. Any work that ends in ing can describe this movie’s pictures. Many will disagree but for me personally, it reminded me a lot of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Without this, the picture would not exist. It is similar to Malick’s other films with sweeping cameras, bright colors, and often photo …

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