And Now for Something Completely Different Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 1877

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 55

Theatrical Release Date: 08/22/1972

Language: English

Genre: Comedy

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Ian MacNaughton

Actors: Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin

Plot: This is compilation from the first two seasons of Monty Python's Flying Circus featuring some of the best sketches: Dead Parrot, Lumberjack Song, Twit of the Year and many more. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

LeopardExplosion - wrote on 12/28/2008

A very funny satire from the 'flying circus' that is Monty Python. Though these humorous collections don't maintain any type of solid plot, it does a good job in putting a strong smile on my face. Lots of fun for the Monty Python fan, this first Python film deserves some sort of Comedic recognition. I enjoyed it, though it isn't clean cut with a pretty bow wrapped around, it makes it's mark with strong laughter and cringeworthy material for the dark comedy die-hards. FINAL SCORE :::: 73% ::::

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The_Watchman - wrote on 12/09/2008

A nice little intro into the work of Monty Python, including some of their most famous sketches.

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Movie God

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"And Now For Something Completely Different"

Yojimbo - wrote on 01/07/2012

And Now For Something Completely different is a compilation from the Monty Python team comprised of some of the funniest moments from their early work and as such doesn't really feel like a "movie". But the sketches are genuine classics as Python pretty much invented the non sequitur and introduced the comedy of the absurdly surreal to the mainstream. The biggest problem of course is the sheer familiarity of it all but the talent involved are amongst the best in the business and it's amazing how a skit that I know, and have known for the better part of two decades, word for word can still make me laugh. Some of the jokes have fared better than others over time, but the highlights are true all-time comedy classics and it's worth it for Terry Gilliam's desecrations of artistic masterpieces …

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