Tetsuo, the Iron Man Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9681

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 30

Theatrical Release Date: 04/22/1992

Language: Japanese

Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Shinya Tsukamoto

Actors: Tomorowo Taguchi, Kei Fujiwara, Nobu Kanaoka, Renji Ishibashi, Naomasa Musaka, Shinya Tsukamoto

Plot: A Japanese businessman hits another man - a man with a compulsion for sticking scrap metal into his body. After the accident the businessman notices strange metal growths on his body, as he slowly changes into a machine - a revenge of sorts that transforms him completely. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 07/07/2012

A low budget psychological horror shot in grainy black and white is more an exercise in cinematic surrealism than a narrative story in it's truest sense. Full of disturbing cyberpunk imagery, this is not to everyone's taste but fans of Lynch's Eraserhead and the work of David Cronenberg should check it out. There was also a visually impressive sequel made on a considerably larger budget.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 11/19/2007

Many people throw around the word "surreal" when describing films, but there is no better word to describe Tetsuo except maybe disturbing. It's unlike anything I've ever seen or will ever see in the future. Not a film to go into lightly.

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The Urge of Metal

industrialist - wrote on 10/08/2009

Industrial strength cyberpunk - hyper-violent, raw, unnerving - that, 20 years on, remains as kore to the rivethead manifesto as 'Varsity Blues' does for dirtbags. It's an archaic, black-and-white oddity by contemporary standards, but Tsukamoto's unflinching filmmaking, fusing twisted visuals and feverish cinematography with an abrasive score, pumps it beyond its low-budget origins and forges a dynamism and enigmaticness that trash like 'Ultraviolet' struggles to achieve. This was 'Death Powder' and 'Eraserhead' thrown into the furnace and incrementing the resultant hybrid into something even more brooding and destructive. Bio-cyber transformations unlock dormant perversions, drill-sex finalizes the intersection of steel and skin, and engines of chaos clash across an unwitting city …

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