Jennifer's Body Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 10744

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 126

Theatrical Release Date: 09/18/2009

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 12/29/2009

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Karyn Kusama

Actors: Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, Johnny Simmons, Adam Brody, J.K. Simmons, Amy Sedaris

Plot: The school's hottest cheerleader has become possessed by a demon and is on a killing spree. Her exceedingly ordinary best friend must stop her then put a stop to the Satan-worshiping rock band responsible for the whole mess. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 09/10/2014

A movie that I thought was going to bad turned out to be a pretty damn good film. Megan Fox is still not the greatest actress on the plant and in this movie she still plays that actress who can't act but she knows she can't.

Rating of

Bribaba - wrote on 05/11/2011

This could be a guilty pleasure except for the fact there's really nothing to feel guilty about - this is a seriously underrated film. There's hormonal havoc in Devil's Kettle as teen terror Jennifer makes her Heather predecessors look like a school choir. It's very funny, beautifully made with Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried turning in top performances.

Rating of

hatestupidpeople - wrote on 01/03/2010

Diablo Cody did not impress with her second script and Megan Fox picked a bad movie to star in. I do not know how you follow up Juno and Transformers, respectively, with this piece of garbage. The writing was terrible and so was the acting, but I guess Megan's acting in Transformers was not that great either. I advise everyone to stay away from this movie.

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Jeniffer's Body - Thought about the movie

Tjommi - wrote on 08/07/2012

I have to be honest I only watched this movie because I didn't have anything else to do, but I have to say that I am glad I did. I was very sceptical before I started watching it because of the horrible reviews that many on this site had given it. I am glad that I saw it anyway.

Ok people are different and look for different things in a movie. I love supernatural themed movies, and the further away from reality it is, the more I like it. For me it's enough that the movie got a good story, good script good actors and sound and music that lift the movie up. Come to think about it that might be a little demanding but there you go. This movie had all that.

Some people didn't like some of the cheezy dialogue lines, I personally didn't care. I though it brought charm to the characters …


Rating of

Dark teenage comedy with elements of horror!

MovieAddict - wrote on 02/19/2012

Jennifer's Body is a showcase for one thing, Megan Fox's body, but sadly that alone can't pull off a whole movie by itself unless it is porn. Still, she plays the self-centered teen very well used as a virginal sacrifice for a Satan worshiping band - lead by Adam Brody in hopes that they can become famous.
Except…things go ape when it’s revealed that Jennifer lied and is surprise surprise - not really a virgin! This result in her body being taken over by a demon who needs to eat a male every so often to sustain herself and it isn't long before some of the local horny lads begin to lose their hearts to Jennifer, literally. Amanda Seyfried plays "Needy" her nerdy best friend who starts to put 2 and 2 together and figures out something isn't quite right with her friend as she sets her …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Rating of

It's All About the Body

Chris Kavan - wrote on 09/20/2009

I think if I were about 15 years younger, this just might be the best movie of the year. However, as I'm no longer in the prime of my teen years, Megan Fox, despite her best efforts, just couldn't save an otherwise rote horror/comedy.

I will say that I think the casting couldn't have been any better. I honestly can't think of anyone who would have been better in the title role. Backing up the it girl is Amanda Seyfried, who despite being the brainy best friend, manages to hold her own. But really, I bet almost everyone who went to see this film on opening weekend were drawn in by hoping to see more of Megan Fox and while some people may come away disappointed, she's mostly naked enough to make any man happy.

That's about the best I can say - the eye candy content is off the scale. …

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Recent Movie Talk Posts

Movie God

Unknown - wrote on 2010-01-31 12:14

I will not watch this... ever.  #1 reason:  Megan Fox.

Movie God

Allison - wrote on 2009-06-11 23:07

That's funny. This movie isn't even done yet and skater4159 has rated it.

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