Oneechanbara: The Movie Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 12808

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 7

Theatrical Release Date: 04/01/2008

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 08/25/2009

Language: Japanese

Genre: Action, Horror

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Yôhei Fukuda

Actors: Eri Otoguro, Tomohiro Waki, Tarô Suwa, Manami Hashimoto, Chise Nakamura, Ai Hazuki

Plot: In a world infested with zombies Aya is hunting for her sister, who killed their father when they were both children, and the evil Dr. Sugita that made her do it with the promise of power. -- Tjommi

Quick Movie Reviews

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Chris Kavan - wrote on 09/13/2010

If the effects weren't so blatantly bad, I could see this working, but when you base your movie off a video game, I guess that's expected. Still, you won't find any other movie where a bikini-wearing samurai chick kills zombies... sometimes with magical sword powers. Definitely strange.

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Bikini samaurai whopping zombie butts!

Tjommi - wrote on 08/14/2012

I have a sneaking suspicion that people that have watched alot of manga and is familiar with the genre will enjoy this movie alot more than people that are not. The reason for this, and it's the same reason why I gave this movie 3 stars, is that this movie is buildt up like a action horror manga. The effects that you see is very typical the same goes for the dialogue, the drama and the illogical reasoning that you find in the minds of the characters in this movie. Here you got many of the embraced stereotypes, you got sexy chicks that fight better the more flesh they reveal, you got the useless sidekick and silly situations that occour because the people make completely oposite choices that any other normal thinking person would.

This is not a deep movie, it will not give you any …

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