Spring Breakers Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 13138

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 57

Theatrical Release Date: 03/22/2013

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 07/09/2013

Language: English

Genre: Crime, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Harmony Korine

Actors: James Franco, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Heather Morris, Ashley Benson, Rachel Korine

Plot: Four college girls decide to fund their spring break by robbing a restaurant... and promptly wind up in prison. But they get bailed out by a drugs and arms dealer - and in return he wants them to do a little dirty work for him. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 08/12/2023

Like almost all Harmony Korine movies, "Spring Breakers" is a convincingly made but hollow saga that leaves you feeling indifferent while asking "What was the point of it all?"

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/11/2014

A movie that everybody liked but I didn't.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/23/2014

Not as much fun as I was thinking it would be - it went to some dark places but throughout the whole movie I couldn't tell if I should be taking anything seriously. Regardless, Franco is a hilarious hot mess as a grill-fronting drug dealer and all the women (always in bikinis - or less - because Spring Break!) even manage to elicit some decent performances. One thing is for sure - this is not the movie you think it's going to be.

Full Movie Reviews


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Hedonistische Hölle

cinegeek.de - wrote on 04/04/2016

Ein zuckerbunter Fiebertraum, so sieht der bis dahin ungewöhnlichste Film des Jahres aus! Jawohl, ich meine Spring Breakers, den Film, in dem vormalige Disney Stars bei jeder Gelegenheit ihre Bikinis aufreissen, saufen, sniffen und Zungenspielchen veranstalten! Eine Woche Ausnahmezustand, danach gehts zurück ins trostlose Leben nach Kentucky. Harmony Korine, der ewige Polarisierer, filmt das durch die benebelte Perspektive eines 21jährigen, der sich im April aufmacht nach Florida. Hier geht nun eine Woche lang alles: Sich öffentlich nackt zeigen, anonyme Schnell-Ficks und sexuelle Demütigung. Wie eine scharfe Waffe verweilt die Kamera auf den Körpern von Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez, Ashley Benson und seiner Frau Rachel Korine. Vier lebenslange Freunde auf Tour! Spring Breakers …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Spring Breakers review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 06/29/2013

“We’re different people now.” A cross between Project X, Scarface and Trainspotting. Faith (Selena Gomez), Brit (Ashley Benson), Candy (Vanessa Hudgens), and Cotty (Rachel Korine) plan on going escaping town for a change. The group steals some money to go to spring break. Alien (James Franco), an arms/drug dealer, pays the bail of the girls after being arrested. One by one they go back home for certain reasons. The film had some lines to make it somewhat intellectual such as: "Act like you’re in a movie or something....don't be scared about anything" "It’s good to get a break from reality." "Live life to the fullest." And “I think that's the secret to life - being a good person.” The soundtrack plays a huge role in the pictures mood. Selena Gomez shows some depth …


Rating of

Yes, Selena Gomez sent me here.....

Lee - wrote on 06/27/2013

Ok this is a prime example on why trailers are so misleading (Sometimes I think movie companies are in the same group as ...lawyers) I for one wanted to see how both Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens would break their Disney ankle ball and chains in a 'R' rated film. I will admit that Gomez did a pretty good job when it comes down to making this film's audience feel her pain as she gets scared silly of what James Franco's character and his entourage might want from her and her spring breaking pals. That being said the movie fails in so many areas I don't have the time to jot them all down...

What I cannot believe is how many of you out there actually enjoyed this??? Franco was purely laughable as the grilled teeth wearing drug dealer named Alien (???) especially his piano version of …

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Recent Movie Talk Posts

LeeAnn M.
LeeAnn M.

LeeAnn M. - wrote on 2013-03-18 19:09

This movie serves as a vehicle to shed squeaky clean Disney images for Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens. This kind of film did wonders for Anne Hathaway. I have a good feeling that it will boost the lackluster box office intakes of recent weeks.

Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 2013-03-18 10:05

I will definitely see it, not because of (well not only because of) the scantily clad women, but because it is the latest from director Harmony Korine.  Korine is a talented director who I'm pretty sure is insane.  even if Spring Breakers is bad, It'll at least be interestingly bad.

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Chris Kavan - wrote on 2013-03-17 21:17

Surprisingly this movie has one of the best per-theater openings of all time - it opened in just three theaters but had a massive $90,000 per theater average (good enough for 22nd all time). Could mean that when it opens wide next week, it might do a lot better than I would expect.

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Chris Kavan - wrote on 2013-02-04 23:33

It has scantily clad young women and James Franco - of course it's going to be terrible but something tells me that guys will still want to watch it. Hey, at least this is one movie that pretty much spells out what it's trying to accomplish right up front.


Nick - wrote on 2013-02-04 14:57

This movie can't possibly be good.  It is labeled a "comedy", but it's a comedy for different reasons than what the producer intended, that's for sure.  Rated R with Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens?  Wonder what they're trying to accomplish?

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