Gallipoli Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Top 8 Actor/Director Mel Gibson

List created by Stoney McStonerson

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Braveheart 4/4
2. Hacksaw Ridge 3.5/4
3. Gallipoli 3.5/4
4. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 3.5/4
5. Apocalypto 3.5/4


List created by Oldpinkdogbar

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Grand Illusion ( grande illusion, La ) 3/4
2. All Quiet on the Western Front 3.5/4
3. 1917 3.5/4
4. Sergeant York N/A
5. Wonder Woman 3.5/4

Top Films of 1981

List created by Neobowler

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark 4/4
2. Ragtime 3/4
3. Taps 3/4
4. Reds 3/4
5. An American Werewolf in London 3/4

Best Movies of all Time

List created by David

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Goodfellas N/A
2. No Country for Old Men N/A
3. Pulp Fiction N/A
4. Good Will Hunting N/A
5. Hoop Dreams N/A

Top War List

List created by Rob G.

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. All Quiet on the Western Front 3/4
2. Grand Illusion ( grande illusion, La ) 4/4
3. Sergeant York 3/4
4. Bataan 3/4
5. Sahara 3/4
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