Movies I Want To See by Alex

Movies I Want To See

# Movie Title Rating Overall Add
1. Andrey Rublyov ( Andrei Rublev ) N/A 3.0/4
2. The Mission (1986) N/A 2.8/4
3. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans N/A 3.3/4
4. Diabolique ( diaboliques, Les ) N/A 3.0/4
5. Deathtrap N/A 2.5/4
6. Double Life of Veronique, The ( double vie de Véronique, La ) N/A 2.9/4
7. Tom Jones N/A 2.6/4
8. Nashville N/A 3.1/4
9. Silkwood N/A 3.0/4
10. Little Odessa N/A 2.6/4
11. Grand Illusion ( grande illusion, La ) N/A 3.0/4
12. The Set-Up (1949) N/A 2.7/4
13. Downfall ( Untergang, Der ) N/A 3.2/4
14. Wild Strawberries ( Smultronstället ) N/A 3.2/4
15. Road, The ( strada, La ) N/A 3.1/4
16. The Killer Inside Me (1976) N/A 3.0/4
17. Memories of Murder ( Salinui chueok ) N/A 3.2/4
18. Timecode N/A 2.7/4
19. Destination Moon N/A 2.5/4
20. The Right Stuff 2.5/4 3.0/4
21. Dark Star (1974) N/A 2.6/4
22. Cargo (2010) N/A 3.0/4
23. topo, El N/A 2.8/4
24. The Holy Mountain (1973) N/A 2.9/4
25. Elite Squad: The Enemy Within ( Tropa de Elite 2 - O Inimigo Agora É Outro ) N/A 2.8/4
26. Underground (1996) N/A 3.0/4
27. Godson, The ( Samouraï, Le ) N/A 3.1/4
28. Battle of Algiers,The ( Battaglia di Algeri, La ) N/A 3.2/4
29. Udaan N/A 3.1/4
30. Wages of Fear, The ( salaire de la peur, Le ) N/A 3.2/4
31. Friday N/A 3.0/4
32. Fanny and Alexander N/A 3.1/4
33. The Believer (2002) N/A 2.8/4
34. Sacrifice, The ( Offret ) N/A 2.8/4
35. Ivan's Childhood ( Ivanovo detstvo ) N/A 3.0/4
36. Ragtime N/A 2.5/4
37. Tribe, The ( Plemya ) N/A 3.1/4
38. Bad Boys (1983) N/A 2.8/4
39. Better Off Dead N/A 2.8/4
40. The Wolf Man (1941) N/A 3.0/4
41. The Ballad of Cable Hogue N/A 2.9/4
42. Vanishing, The ( Spoorloos ) N/A 3.0/4
43. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension N/A 2.4/4
44. Kiss Me Deadly N/A 2.8/4
45. Strange Days N/A 2.7/4
46. Idiocracy N/A 2.4/4
47. Come and See ( Idi i smotri ) N/A 3.0/4
48. Ugly Swans, The ( Gadkie lebedi ) N/A 3.0/4
49. Exam N/A 2.6/4
50. The Innocents (1961) N/A 3.1/4
51. Audition ( Ôdishon ) N/A 2.9/4
52. Hardware N/A 2.4/4
53. Prince of the City N/A 2.8/4

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SteelCity99 - wrote on 04/21/18 at 08:48 PM CT

Movies I Want To See List comment

You've got some of my absolute favorites on here.


Nick - wrote on 04/01/08 at 12:40 AM CT

Movies I Want To See List comment

is Stalker the movie with the sweet ass trailer?

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