John Carpenter by Protozoid

John Carpenter

# Movie Title Rating Overall Add
1. The Thing (1982) 3.5/4 3.2/4
2. They Live 3.5/4 2.9/4
3. In the Mouth of Madness 3.0/4 2.8/4
4. Starman 3.0/4 2.7/4
5. Dark Star (1974) 3.5/4 2.6/4
6. Christine (1983) 3.0/4 2.6/4
7. Big Trouble in Little China 3.0/4 2.8/4
8. Escape from L.A. 2.5/4 2.4/4
9. Escape from New York 3.0/4 2.8/4
10. Prince of Darkness 3.0/4 2.4/4
11. The Ward 2.5/4 2.1/4
12. Assault on Precinct 13 (1976) 3.0/4 2.9/4
13. The Fog (1980) 2.5/4 2.6/4
14. Halloween (1978) 3.0/4 3.2/4
15. Someone's Watching Me! 2.5/4 2.9/4
16. Memoirs of an Invisible Man 1.5/4 2.2/4
17. Village of the Damned (1995) 1.5/4 2.3/4
18. John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars 1.5/4 2.1/4
19. Masters of Horror - Pro-Life 1.5/4 2.0/4
20. John Carpenter's Vampires 1.0/4 2.4/4
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