Young Guns Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Top Action List

List created by bigMo

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Professional, The ( Léon ) N/A
2. The Dark Knight Rises N/A
3. Taken N/A
4. Warrior N/A
5. Children of Men N/A

Top Western List

List created by johninillinois

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Unforgiven 3.5/4
2. Tombstone N/A
3. The Cowboys N/A
4. True Grit N/A
5. Dances with Wolves N/A

Top Movie List

List created by Dor

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey 4/4
2. Amadeus 4/4
3. Akira 4/4
4. Blow 4/4
5. Little Miss Sunshine 4/4


List created by Indie Fan

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Ran 4/4
2. Jean de Florette 4/4
3. Wings of Desire ( Himmel über Berlin, Der ) 4/4
4. Blue Velvet 4/4
5. Do the Right Thing 4/4

Top Adventure List

List created by laaas

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 4/4
2. Aliens 4/4
3. Die Hard 3/4
4. The Dark Knight 3/4
5. Raiders of the Lost Ark 4/4

Top Movie List

List created by Stephanie

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Alien N/A
2. Air Force One 3/4
3. Aliens 2.5/4
4. The Abyss 3.5/4
5. Alien: Resurrection N/A
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