Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Slasher Films

List created by niko13

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Scream N/A
2. Scream 2 N/A
3. Scream 3 N/A
4. Scream 4 N/A
5. Maniac N/A

Movies I Own List

List created by Danielle

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Annie N/A
2. National Lampoon's Animal House N/A
3. A League of Their Own N/A
4. Nine to Five N/A
5. 50 First Dates N/A

Serial Killers-Slasher Films

List created by OracleElizabeth

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. American Psycho 2.5/4
2. Are You Scared? 2/4
3. Atrocious 2.5/4
4. Audition ( Ôdishon ) 2/4
5. Black Christmas 1.5/4

Horror Movies I've Seen

List created by thenoth

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shining 3.5/4
2. Halloween 3/4
3. The Exorcist 3.5/4
4. The Silence of the Lambs 3.5/4
5. Psycho 4/4

All The Horror Films I've Seen

List created by Monnie1976

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shining 3/4
2. Halloween 3/4
3. The Exorcist 4/4
4. The Silence of the Lambs 4/4
5. Psycho 4/4
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